My Life Is A Mist, So I Live For Eternity

We can spend our time thinking and worrying about the things in this life that are passing away just as quickly as we are, or we can spend our time seeing this life in the view of the next; and make decisions based on eternity rather than on the here and now.

Like many of you (I'm sure) I have some stressful situations that I have to deal with from time to time, and not all are related to my health. Sometimes it's family issues, sometimes it's difficult issues with friends within our church and outside our church, and sometimes it's issues with my own selfish desires...okay, mostly it's issues with my own selfish desires.

But regardless of the stressor, I must remain steadfast in the Word of God and in worship and prayer, lest I become consumed with my desire to find immediate relief for my stress, and forget there are other hurting souls near me. Today was one of those days.

I had an MRI today. Something I'm not ecstatic about, because it may mean I need another procedure or surgery I don't want. However, I've come to terms with this and wasn't very concerned about it. When I got to the imaging place, and had some time while I was waiting to be called for my MRI, I wanted to read an email regarding a stressful situation (unrelated to my health) that's been brewing for many months, and came to a boiling point last week.

Thanks be to God, that prior to my MRI, I was able to have a wonderful time of worshiping my Lord Jesus all morning and during my entire drive to the imaging place. As I worshiped, I also prayed, asking my Father God to keep me focused on His will rather than my own. I asked Him for patience and wisdom to do what was good, fitting and most pleasing in His sight. Then I chose to speak God's truth to myself by quoting Scripture to myself, rather than listen to myself and what my flesh most wanted to do to be comforted.

Because the Lord is faithful to do all He said He would, when His Holy Spirit led me to put my phone away and visit with the precious woman sitting next to me, I was able to take my eyes off of self and look to the tender soul God seated near me. Her name is Shirley.

Shirley was knitting a beautiful scarf, and as I commented on her scarf we began to talk about knitting, life, and why she was at the imaging place. Shirley is a loving mother, who traveled here from out of state in order to care for and help her 44-year-old daughter who was diagnosed with cancer three weeks ago. The doctors still don't know what kind of cancer she has and where it originated from. Shirley's daughter is still in the initial stages of testing and discovery before her doctors can begin giving her the proper treatment for her cancer. Her daughter is in excruciating pain and continually nauseated due to the cancer that has so far, been discovered in her hip, liver and pancreas. They're both weary of unanswered questions and desire so much to have a little glimmer of hope that all will be well.

As I listened to Shirley share her story, I prayed and asked the Lord to give me whatever was needed so that I might minister to Shirley somehow. We talked about the Lord Jesus and how we've both seen God's merciful work of healing in the lives of many around us. Then I asked her if I could pray with her and she said "Yes". I moved out of my chair and sat next to Shirley on the couch, took her hand and prayed with her as she wept. As she dried her eyes, I pulled out one of my ministry cards, wrote my cell phone number on it and handed it to her. I told her since I live in the same town as her daughter, I would love to minister to her in any way the Lord allows. Shirley was grateful and thanked me for taking the time to comfort her, pray with her and for offering help to her daughter.

I never did get to meet her daughter. As God would have it, just as Shirley and I were finishing our conversation, I was called back for my MRI.

I don't know if Shirley and her daughter are saved, but I've already been praying for both of them and now ask you to do the same. Please pray for their comfort, and healing for Shirley's daughter. Please also pray that if the Lord so chooses, that He would grant me the honor of sharing the Gospel with Shirley's daughter and serving her as the Lord gives me strength.

"Come now, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go into such a such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit'—yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, 'If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.' "
-James 4:13-15 (ESV)