Pure Gospel math -- Jesus plus nothing equals everything!

A precious sister in the Lord, whom God has graciously given me to disciple, just shared this wonderful sermon from Tullian Tchividjian given at the 2010 Desiring God conference.

Our faithful brother Tullian addresses three issues regarding the Gospel:

  1. Motivation - we need to be motivated to share the Gospel to share all that God has done for us in Christ Jesus and not what "good works" we can do in His name.
  2. Identity - Believing our sole identity is in Christ and His finished work and not in anything we do or what others say about us and what we should do, will provide us the true freedom Jesus suffered and died to give us. We already have God's favor Christ. We can't do anything to gain any more. What's more than Christ?
  3. Idolatry - There are more idols in the church than outside its walls. Many Christians today fall into Satan's trap that obedience and/or good works will provide more of God's grace and blessings. NO! We receive God's grace and blessings all because of Jesus and what He has done. Don't allow your "ministry" become your idol and purpose for living or even going to church. Let Jesus alone be your reason for every breath you take.

"Jesus plus nothing equals everything! Everything minus Jesus, equals nothing!" ~Tullian Tchividjian