We all want beautiful feet. As women, we love to show off our newest pedicures with cute little sandals in the summer and bright, pretty colors that adorn our toenails. We might even put on a little ring that dangles around our little pinky toe, or a ankle bracelet that sparkles in the light. We consider these things, the things that make our feet beautiful. And we look forward to the pampering of our feet and sigh with satisfaction as we leave the beauty shop or spa with our beautifully dressed-up feet.
But what does God say about beautiful feet? What does the Maker of heaven and earth consider is the proper adornment of our feet that would make them look beautiful in His sight? God is awesome. Just so we would never have to wonder, He made it perfectly clear to us what He considers -beautiful feet.
Are your feet beautiful to God?
But what does God say about beautiful feet? What does the Maker of heaven and earth consider is the proper adornment of our feet that would make them look beautiful in His sight? God is awesome. Just so we would never have to wonder, He made it perfectly clear to us what He considers -beautiful feet.
Are your feet beautiful to God?

You left Your glory
Your seat upon the throne
And You exchanged it
For a Cross
In a place that was not Your Home.
Master, You took my scorn
My guilt and my shame
You redeemed my wretched soul
With Your blood
In Your name.
What awesome gift is this
I have received
That the King of glory would die
For the wicked
And deceived?
Your matchless love,
Your mercy and Your grace
Causes my heart to anguish
The high cost
My Savior paid.
How can I respond
To Christ saving my soul?
I will share His Good News
In every place
That I go.
Jesus, I call You Lord
My Master and my Friend
And will obey You with
All my heart
With every breath You lend.
And what will you do with the time you have left? Will you end your days living for your pleasures? Or will you live out the rest of your days as a living sacrifice to our Captain, Christ Jesus who calls all that are His to answer His battle cry for the souls of those who are still lost?
Remember, the harvest is plenty - it is the laborers who are few. I pray constantly to the Lord of the harvest to send in more laborers. Perhaps I've been praying for you. Won't you come and join in the battle? No longer a spectator, but an active warrior, purposed for the Lord's Kingdom work.

Your seat upon the throne
And You exchanged it
For a Cross
In a place that was not Your Home.
Master, You took my scorn
My guilt and my shame
You redeemed my wretched soul
With Your blood
In Your name.
What awesome gift is this
I have received
That the King of glory would die
For the wicked
And deceived?
Your matchless love,
Your mercy and Your grace
Causes my heart to anguish
The high cost
My Savior paid.
How can I respond
To Christ saving my soul?
I will share His Good News
In every place
That I go.
Jesus, I call You Lord
My Master and my Friend
And will obey You with
All my heart
With every breath You lend.
And what will you do with the time you have left? Will you end your days living for your pleasures? Or will you live out the rest of your days as a living sacrifice to our Captain, Christ Jesus who calls all that are His to answer His battle cry for the souls of those who are still lost?
Remember, the harvest is plenty - it is the laborers who are few. I pray constantly to the Lord of the harvest to send in more laborers. Perhaps I've been praying for you. Won't you come and join in the battle? No longer a spectator, but an active warrior, purposed for the Lord's Kingdom work.