Wouldn't it be great if someone came up with a Valentine's Day evangelism tract? Someone did! I found it at Custom Tract Source.
A “wise” man once said, “Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re going to get!” You know, he was right. You just never know what you’re going to get in life. But there’s more to our existence than just this life on earth. What about eternity? We can all afford to make mistakes in this life, but when it comes to our eternal destination, none of us can afford to be wrong! So how do you know where you’ll spend eternity? You can find out by asking yourself if you have kept God’s moral Law, the Ten Commandments: Have you ever told a lie? (White lies, half truths, and exaggerations are still lies.) Have you ever stolen anything? (The value is irrelevant.) Have you ever taken God’s name in vain? That’s called blasphemy. Have you ever looked at another person with lustful desires? Jesus said, “Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28). If you have done these things, then God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer-at-heart. What will you say on Judgment Day? Your conscience confirms that you are guilty. If you are found guilty of breaking God’s Laws, your punishment will be eternity in Hell. Does that concern you? It should. There is good news, though! God became man in the person of Jesus Christ, who came to this earth to suffer and take God’s wrath for your sin upon Himself. He suffered and died on a cross, taking your punishment. You broke God’s Law, and Jesus paid your fine! That’s God’s gift to you! You cannot earn a gift—you can only accept it with gratitude. In order to accept this gift, God commands you to repent (turn from your sins) and place your faith in Jesus Christ alone to save you. Please do that today; you may not have tomorrow. When you do, your eternal destination will be certain—Heaven. Nothing could be sweeter! For more information, please visit www.TheGoodPersonTest.net
We're using Valentine's Day candies. Mix and match, be creative, and enjoy sharing God's word so others can taste and see that our Lord God truly taste good....THE BEST!
My darling husband said we should go ahead and get these packaged this evening and have our boys put them in all our neighbors mailboxes on Friday so it doesn't get lost in all the Valentines' hustle and bustle. Afterall, who doesn't love receiving a gift in their box rather than a bill, right?
Plus, it's just a GREAT and FUN way to teach your kids the importance of sharing the Gospel with those who live in your Harvest Field a.k.a. your neighborhood. :-)
Please join me in taking every opportunity we have to seek to save the lost, just like our Savior, Christ Jesus our Lord did. ♥
My darling husband said we should go ahead and get these packaged this evening and have our boys put them in all our neighbors mailboxes on Friday so it doesn't get lost in all the Valentines' hustle and bustle. Afterall, who doesn't love receiving a gift in their box rather than a bill, right?
Plus, it's just a GREAT and FUN way to teach your kids the importance of sharing the Gospel with those who live in your Harvest Field a.k.a. your neighborhood. :-)
Please join me in taking every opportunity we have to seek to save the lost, just like our Savior, Christ Jesus our Lord did. ♥