Righteousness Comes From God

ADVENT ~ Day 3
December 2, 2009

Scripture Passage:
READ Psalm 24:1-6

Who is worthy to approach the LORD? He is Sovereign. He is good. By His might, He created the heavens, the earth and all that it is within it. Time cannot encompass Him. There is nothing in all creation that can overpower Him. He is self-sustaining. He is majestic. He is holy. He is glorious. He is perfect. He is righteous. He is just.

God is so awesome, so brilliant, so holy; and the magnitude of His righteousness is so pure and powerful, that the Bible says no man can see God’s face and live (Exodus 33:20)!

In our Scripture reading today, we find King David, perfectly assessing the level of righteousness a person must possess, in order to approach God, and not die.

“He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully.”
~ Psalm 24:4

Well, that leaves me out! And not just me, but everyone I’ve ever known or heard of! There is not one person who has lived, is living and will live, that is qualified to fulfill all of God’s righteous requirements in order to be made acceptable, to approach His holy presence – except for the Person of Jesus Christ.

Jesus alone has:
  • Clean hands: hands that have never shed innocent blood nor hated anyone in his heart. (Matthew 5:43-48, 1 John 3:15)
  • A pure heart: a heart that has never conceived to break God’s Law (the Ten Commandments) or devised evil to lead himself or anyone else into sin. (Proverbs 20:9, Hebrew 4:15)
  • Righteous worship: a soul that refuses to give reverence, honor or praise to false gods; instead, worships the LORD God alone, who is the Maker of every soul. (Ecclesiastes 3:11, Matthew 4:8-10)
  • Honorable speech: a tongue that faithfully speaks the truth, will not boast, defends the rights of the poor, does not flatter and is full of the wisdom that comes from God. (Psalm 101:7, Isaiah 53:9, 1 Peter 2:22-23)

Our Lord Jesus was born of a virgin, in order to die, so that sinners might be born again, in order to live. He gave us His righteousness, because we had none of our own, for “none is righteous, no, not one.” (Psalm 143:2, Romans 3:10)

Therefore, let us give Christ His due honor and praise as we dedicate our hearts to the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. And let us not forget what a precious time of Advent God has granted us by cleansing ourselves from the commercialism of Christmas, and fixing our hearts and minds on the reason why we, as Christians, celebrate.

Thoughts to ponder:
Am I living as if I truly believe that I posses the righteousness of Christ? Do I faithfully demonstrate to God, my love and gratitude for my salvation by setting my personal needs, comforts, ideas or even rights aside, so that others may see Jesus in me? If so, how? If not, what will I do today to remedy this situation?

Gracious LORD God in Heaven, with awesome compassion and abounding grace and mercy, You have cleansed my filthy soul of all unrighteousness with the pure blood of Your Son, Jesus the Christ.

Thank You Father for loving me when I was still Your enemy; hating You, by sinning against You. Thank You Jesus for suffering the wrath of God in my stead and imputing to me, Your righteousness, so that I might be made acceptable in the sight of the Father. Thank You Holy Spirit for faithfully sanctifying me by the washing of water with God’s word.

LORD, I commit to You this day, that Your work of salvation will take precedence in my heart, will be kept at the forefront of my mind, and will be the passion of my soul.

Thank You, heavenly Father, for this time of Advent. Help us to remain in a state of reverence, awe-inspired worship and gratitude as we prepare to remember Your Son’s first coming, as well as looking intently and eagerly with all our hearts, minds and souls daily for His second coming. Jesus, may Your name be praised, forever and ever, Amen.

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