Hello precious sisters!
A little over a month ago, I asked you for your fervent prayers and sacrificial giving to participate in the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) in honor of my dear friend and sister in Christ, Laurie.
First, I'd like to thank all of you for your prayers and also for registering as a bone marrow donor with the NMDP.
Second, I'd like to share some FABULOUS news with you! I just found out several days ago that a sweet, precious 19 year old young lady is a near perfect match for my darling Laurie! We don't know when all of this will happen yet, but we are so grateful and so in awe of God's provision!
First, I'd like to thank all of you for your prayers and also for registering as a bone marrow donor with the NMDP.
Second, I'd like to share some FABULOUS news with you! I just found out several days ago that a sweet, precious 19 year old young lady is a near perfect match for my darling Laurie! We don't know when all of this will happen yet, but we are so grateful and so in awe of God's provision!
Here's the email she sent out:
My transplant doctor called this morning to tell me....
It is CONFIRMED!!!!!
I will be going to meet with my oncologist on Sept. 11th to be first phlebotomized (draining of my blood because of the Polycythemia).... but we will be discussing the other more important news that I received this morning... all I know that this will all be happening before the end of the year!!
God is great and He does DELIVER precious people into our lives.. close by or from afar... I will not be allowed to know her unless she wants to know me a year after this procedure. Please pray for her health as she puts her own little body through so much to help a stranger... All I know about the donor angel is that she is a 19 year old female who matched 6 out of my 6 preliminary screenings... and has matched just shy of my more thorough screenings that have already been completed. (my sisters matched only 3 out of 6 to give you an idea how perfect she is!)
This all will be happening for her and I before the end of the year .. here is a great web site of details of "what to expect" Click here: Bone Marrow Transplant Information
I will keep you in the loop if you would like ... but I may not know anything else until... hmmm... I find it out!! ;o)
I love you all and I thank you for all your endless prayers and I praise Him ever day for what He has shown me during this journey and the roads that lie ahead... i hope from my experience a lesson of how precious one's life really is, is learned.
I know after reading this web site.. it will be a hard journey.. please continue to lift my family up in prayer.. our struggles that lie ahead of our separation as I recover in a hospital for a few months, my children for their own limited knowledge of this experience.. and the year it will take for my body to recover.. until I can return to my own feel-good self. Continued prayer for my mom, sisters and most importantly my husband who has been my rock that this journey may not be over just yet - but we continue to grow and educate our children the importance of family and friends and knowing that things will be okay.
She's got amazing faith doesn't she? What a blessing it is that God would grant me the privilege of calling her my friend! Below is a picture of her family. Aren't they just beautiful?

rejoice & pray with me,