Good morning dear sisters in the Lord!
I had planned on writing a very different kind of post today. I had intended to write a post regarding a tip on how to live out Proverbs 31:12 with "How to Have a Simplified, Effective and Orderly Day". A dear friend of mine gave this to me a couple of years ago and I was going to pass this on to all of you. Which I still intend to do....but not today.
Today is not a day for that. It is a day of sorrow and grief for me, my family and my entire church family. You see, I just received news that a dear, young, sweet daughter of God, who was only 20 years old and just graduated from college last year, has gone Home to be with our awesome, righteous and good Heavenly Father.
She is the oldest of seven children. Why did I say "is" and not "was"? Because my darling husband reminded me, she still is...just not with us....she still with the Great I Am. The way we see it, her parents still have seven children. They have one who lives in Heaven and six who still live at home.
In the midst of our sorrow and grief, we rejoice and praise God that He has given His children the gift of Hope - Christ Jesus our Savior in which this darling, sweet baby entrusted her life to at age seven.
Unlike the world, our sorrow is not in vain and does not produce despair that controls us. But as children of the Most High God, we require no answers, for God is God and we are not. We, as His children know and trust that all His ways are good and are much better than anything we can even comprehend.
Please be in prayer for this precious family. I invite you to grieve with us, as our Lord Jesus commanded us to mourn with those who mourn. I also invite you to rejoice with us, as our Lord Jesus commanded us to rejoice with those who rejoice. We mourn because we will miss this sweet baby, and our hearts hurt for her parents and siblings. But we rejoice that she is Home, Home with our Savior, in God's full glory - where we all look forward to being one day.
Today is not a day for that. It is a day of sorrow and grief for me, my family and my entire church family. You see, I just received news that a dear, young, sweet daughter of God, who was only 20 years old and just graduated from college last year, has gone Home to be with our awesome, righteous and good Heavenly Father.
She is the oldest of seven children. Why did I say "is" and not "was"? Because my darling husband reminded me, she still is...just not with us....she still with the Great I Am. The way we see it, her parents still have seven children. They have one who lives in Heaven and six who still live at home.
In the midst of our sorrow and grief, we rejoice and praise God that He has given His children the gift of Hope - Christ Jesus our Savior in which this darling, sweet baby entrusted her life to at age seven.
Unlike the world, our sorrow is not in vain and does not produce despair that controls us. But as children of the Most High God, we require no answers, for God is God and we are not. We, as His children know and trust that all His ways are good and are much better than anything we can even comprehend.
Please be in prayer for this precious family. I invite you to grieve with us, as our Lord Jesus commanded us to mourn with those who mourn. I also invite you to rejoice with us, as our Lord Jesus commanded us to rejoice with those who rejoice. We mourn because we will miss this sweet baby, and our hearts hurt for her parents and siblings. But we rejoice that she is Home, Home with our Savior, in God's full glory - where we all look forward to being one day.
Blessed be the Name of the LORD! For He alone is worthy to be praised! Blessed be the Name of the LORD! For His matchless mercy and amazing grace!
In sorrow and rejoicing,